Style for Wanderlust

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Talking about New Year’s Resolutions – I guess I am still on time, right? – I have so many, as everyone does, but I have one major one that sets the tone for all others and that is to have less New Year’s Resolutions. As a matter of fact, I want 2018 to be my year of less: less to do lists, less should dos, less resolutions, less inspirations. And you know what it takes to make that happen… there is only one cure to the overstimulated and overwhelmed mind of the solopreneur and it’s called focus and intention.

So, I sat down (for real this time) and jotted down all I wanted to do, see, achieve and read in 2018 and guess what? The list was outrageously long and totally unrealistic. Nothing new to me, mind you. This is the story of my life. What was new was that I actually undertook the painful exercise of narrowing it down to something achievable because, for once, I didn’t want to feel like I was falling behind, that I should be doing more, that I was unable to keep up. At the end of the day it’s about healthy expectations and I’ve found that aspiring to have what is actually impossible is a horrible expectation that will set you up for failure and disappointment; an obvious truth so often overlooked.

This brings me to the topic of this blog, my top “must-read” books; which is the result of me managing to reduce my endless reading list down to these final seven. These are the titles that I believe will help me grow my business, be more organized and effective, work less (but smarter) and make 2018 the best year yet. They have all been highly recommended by people whose business acumen I admire and they are all addressing the needs of solopreneurs or small online businesses. They speak to those who feel like they have fallen behind, people who are striving to find a way to make money doing what they love while still having a fulfilling life outside their business. My hope is that you will find some inspiration too!

1. The Million Dollar Blog by Natasha Courtenay – Smith

2. Your Press Release is breaking my Hearth by Janet Murray

3. Essentialism: the disciplined pursuit of less by Greg McKeown

4. The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying: A simple, effective way to banish clutter forever by Marie Kondo

5. Tools of Titans by Tim Ferris

6. How to be a Productivity Ninja by Graham Allcott

7. Chicken Soup for the Soul, 20th Anniversary Edition by Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen